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Concealed diecast enclosure hinges

FDB Panel Fittings Online store and sales partners Enclosure Solutions now offer these concealed enclosure hinges in natural finish zinc die, for use as they are or for overpainting to suit the cabinet. This allows a clean look exterior to the enclosure or cabinet while enabling full door opening for easy access to internal equipment for mounting or service. Typically, these enclosures are used to house electrical controls or distribution systems in small wall mounting enclosures or larger floor-standing cabinets either as stand-alone installations or complete suites of units.

The 18mm depth of these hinges allows them to be concealed within a standard 20mm frame/door flange

The 18mm depth of these hinges allows them to be concealed within a standard 20mm frame/door flange of enclosures and cabinets as used in industrial applications. They accept machine screws for mounting and allow sliding adjustment for door alignment. Hinge length is 50mm.

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