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Electromechanical invisible locking

The invisible electronic ePush Lock

Externally invisible locking is offered by the new EMKA ePush-Lock, meeting the need for a comfortable non-handle locking system. 

This flat design style of internal locking handle is the trend for mobile homes and many other applications where it is advantageous to disguise opening panels.

EMKA has therefore developed this new invisible electronic ePush Lock for exactly this situation. 

The user simply opens and closes the door or flap by pressing from the outside.

The flap then opens automatically without further intervention. The design allows doors and latches to fit perfectly into the exterior design of any caravan, specialist vehicle or office cabinet – without visible cut outs or corresponding dirt traps. 

The lock is screwed and mounted behind the panel, so there is no need to breach the outer seal and the electronic controls enable integration into the central locking system with an emergency opening also incorporated.

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