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On-line hardness measurement of drinking water and process water

The CA80HA colorimetric analyser uses the phthalein purple method, ensuring direct comparability to lab results

Endress+Hauser announces the Liquiline System CA80HA hardness analyser to provide precise online analysis of water hardness in drinking water and process water.

It helps optimise the control of water softening processes such as ion exchange or reverse osmosis,  ensures quality of products influenced by water hardness, and analyses feedwater used in boilers.

The CA80HA colorimetric analyser uses the phthalein purple method, ensuring direct comparability to lab results. It measures calcium carbonate (CaCO3) over a range of 0 to 80 mg/l with accuracy of ±0.5 mg/l. 

The analyszer has up to two measuring channels and up to four digital inputs for optional Memosens sensors such as pH, ORP, conductivity, oxygen, chlorine, turbidity, etc.

With optional sensors, it can:

  • Measure and calculate pH from two conductivity values according to VGB Standard 405 for boiler feedwater
  • Measure the difference between two measured values from different sources to monitor membranes
  • Calculate differential conductivity to monitor the efficiency of ion exchangers
  • Calculate degassed conductivity for process controls in power plants
  • Calculate rH from the measured values of a pH and an ORP sensor

Outputs from the CA80HA can be used to directly control water processes as the process variables in a control loop, be assigned as a measured variable to a limit contactor, trigger cleaning, be sent to a control system for further analysis, and/or be displayed on the local graphic readout. 

The local graphic display has 240 x 160-pixel resolution, a red display background for alarms and user-definable measuring menus. 

Outputs include PROFIBUS DP (Profile 3.02), Modbus TCP, Modbus RS485, EtherNet/IP and up to four 4-20mA current outputs that can be used in parallel. 

When Memosens sensors are installed in the system they are auto-recognised by the Liquiline electronics, making for plug & play operation and quick commissioning. Any changes to the electronics can be made by simply adding or subtracting I/O modules, making this plug & play as well. 

The analyser is designed for automatic cleaning and calibration, eliminating the need for user intervention to perform these activities, reducing the overall operating cost.

The CA80HA meets the requirements of harmonised European standards and Canada and USA standards: CAN/CSAC22.2 No. 61010-1-12 UL Std. No. 61010-1 (3rd Edition).

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