PoC is increasingly used with SERializer/DESerializer (SerDes) equipment in automotive applications in order to reduce weight by deploying a single coax cable to transfer power and image data to and from an onboard camera.
In previous PoC implementations, several large and small impedance inductors were needed to handle the broadband signal at the circuit processor and to maintain high impedance over a wide bandwidth to separate the signal and power.
Featuring good saturation characteristics, the LQW32FT series inductors provide high impedance over a wide target frequency bandwidth range of 4MHz – 1GHz (47 uH).
The inductance value currently available is 47uH in a 1210-inch size (3.2 × 2.5mm) surface mount package size. The inductor also features a very wide -55 to 125°C maximum environmental temperature range capability, making it eminently suitable and very robust for automotive circuits.