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Thermodynamic pump monitoring

TPM unit measures temperature and pressure at the pump suction and discharge and by inputting the motor power consumption

Corroserve has just announced further major investment in its Thermodynamic Pump Monitoring (TPM) System.

As a result, the Leeds-based corrosion protection and engineering services specialist can now monitor the performance of any class C industrial pump over its working life and as a result highlight significant cost saving opportunities for the user.

Calibrated and certified by the Yamari Standard Laboratory in accordance with relevant Japanese standards, the updated TPM system calculates pump efficiency by the thermodynamic method based on the first law of thermodynamics.

The effect is that energy losses in the pumping process are transferred to the pumped liquid in the form of heat energy, causing a rise in temperature.

The TPM unit measures temperature and pressure at the pump suction and discharge and by inputting the motor power consumption, the system calculates the flow rate and actual pump performance and efficiency.

TPM identifies pump wear and measures changes in performance and efficiency, allowing the customer to make informed decisions about refurbishment and the optimum time for any work to be carried out. It also identifies the most efficient pumping conditions providing customers with a detailed & accurate report.

The financial investment in TPM testing will be quickly recouped in savings made by reduced energy costs from running a more efficient pump – savings that might be increased even more by using the company’s Fluiglide coatings to further enhance pump efficiency.

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